Hows it going!? We are alive here in Guatemala, and successfully had 3 baptisms this past weekend!! Other than that, though, we didn't get too much done. Here is how our week went:
1. Baptism of Marcela, Angela, Junior!!!! Ahh we had a great baptism with these guys! They were just so ready and happy and excited. I was so impressed with Marcela because she totally understood that baptism was a big deal and that it was a big promise to our Heavenly Father, but she was fearless in doing it and says she's ready to work hard in the church. There were lots of members at the baptism.
2. The only giant snag was that Hermana Pati was also supposed to get baptized, but didn't at the last minute...she was wearing her white clothes and everything but said that she felt scared and needed to wait. We are going to be working hard with her to help her feel ready to be baptized this Saturday.
3. Interviews with President! We had a nice devotional and interviews with President this week. I love interviews, I think all missionaries love interviews. President is just awesome. It was really motivating and I'm excited to work hard now. He invited us to a family home evening with one of our investigators for tonight, sweet!! Hopefully the investigator is actually available to go.
Man I don't really know what else to share with y'all from this week? Hopefully Ill have a cool story or something next week. Hope that everyone has a fantastic week and is enjoying summer!
Love, Hermana Gilland
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